Signature Events

Sustainable Practices

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Your Vision, Our Values

The hospitality industry has a responsibility to cut our carbon footprint and reduce waste. We will always prioritise suppliers who share the same values on sustainability.

Our mission goes beyond the below five points, but we feel that this is just the start.

Planting for the Future

We work with Ecologi to plant a tree for every guest we welcome to a Signature event, because we know thats one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis. It’s in all our interests.

Zero Waste Policy

We have a Zero Waste Policy, so we order the exact amount of food for an event to avoid food waste.

Source Locally

We endeavour to use local suppliers who are within close proximity to an event, to reduce food miles and support local economies.

Electric Vehicles

Where food travel is neccessary we use low-emission or hybrid electric vehicles in transportation of in-house goods.